2 July 2017

Why Do I Need a Water Softener?


Some people may think that a water softener is an unnecessary expense. But if you are having issues with hard water, then you’ll need to consider investing in one. You’ve seen scum in your teapot, a dull expression on your silverware or your hair can’t untangle after washing. These are all signs you have a [...]

Why Do I Need a Water Softener? 2017-11-18T18:59:17-06:00
23 June 2017

Damaging Effects Of Hard Water


You may be thinking that hard water is only a rusty nuisance, staining your clothes and sinks, but it actually has high mineral content that can damage your appliances and other items. Hard water is a major problem in any businesses and homes. In this article, I will take you through the potential damages and [...]

Damaging Effects Of Hard Water 2017-11-18T18:59:17-06:00
4 December 2016

Buying A Salt-Free Water Softener


Shop Now A salt-free water softener treats hard water without using salt. And unlike salt based systems which process soft water the traditional way, a salt-free water softener system can treat hard water using a variety of methods. But can we really trust these devices in dealing with our hard water problems? Read on as [...]

Buying A Salt-Free Water Softener 2017-11-18T18:59:18-06:00
2 November 2015

Water Softener Facts And Myths


Image Credit: lifewithchemistry.blogspot.com Hard water is a fact of life. And the more we learn to accept this reality, the easier for us to find a solution for this problem. We already know what hard water is and the damage it can bring to our pipes and appliances. And it’s really annoying to [...]

Water Softener Facts And Myths 2017-11-18T18:59:21-06:00
23 October 2015

Buying Tips For The Best Water Softeners


Nowadays, more and more people are treating hard water issues as something serious. In fact, they find this problem to be so frustrating that the demand for soft water systems has significantly increased in recent years. And while more household nowadays are beginning to understand the value of having a water filtering system under their [...]

Buying Tips For The Best Water Softeners 2018-05-25T18:29:23-05:00
20 October 2015

Using The Best Water Softener Salt For Your System


Good day readers! More often than not, people are not really sure about what kind of water softener salt to use for their water softeners. And we can’t really blame these people from missing out on this detail because although the internet is packed with a lot of reviews concerning water softener devices, there is [...]

Using The Best Water Softener Salt For Your System 2018-03-09T17:49:29-06:00